Basketball training is real tough man...but haf to endure > Really hope TJC bball can enter the finals! We want to win!
TJC bballers are great people. Apart from being proficient in basketball, these guys are great listeners and motivators too. Love the CCA, love the sport, and everyone in BBALL.
School seems quite ok. Though its really hard to cope, i will try to work things out to balance school and bBall. Perharps i will wake up earlier in the morning to revise, or convert the sleeping period in the library before basketball sessions to a study period...=P
Recently got alot of concepts i dun understand, but thanks to my dearest classmates, i understood =D Rock on man 07/07. You guys rock!! It is with these people that my studies can catch up.
Lt1 's aircon sucks big time...thats why i also go to lt2 with ballers =P Theres better aircon, better lecturers and nicer people there. I get to sleep very well over there. =D
Going to eric house to play bbAll today..i hope...Haha...get to see secondary skl frens again...can't wait..
water is PRECIOUS!
9:32 AM
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Today is the last day of orientation!
Didn't have fun in the past few fact was real bored in the orientation...
The only fun part was the dance =D Rocks man! dance partner rocks too!! Zhi liN is cool =D
HahA...I dunno how i got into the bball team. But i think i will get kicked out soon...coz there is 15 pple that got in, but...a team only needs 12. I think i will be the one without jersey...since i am the lousiest there ><. But its ok =D...It was already unexpected that i got into the 15.
To all my friends that went to another JC, you rock my life ok?...Thanks for being there for me =D Hope you enjoy your lives in other jCS ! ROck on GUys! Take care =D